VHS Transfer Services
Video Tape Transfer to DVD
Video tapes were never made to last forever. A VHS to DVD service from GraFitz Group Network will put your family memories, family vacations, and any other video tapes onto a professional DVD. With every day that passes, your family memories that are on VHS are at risk to the dangerous elements of time, fire, floods, & theft. The shelf life of any video tape is only 10 years before the picture, color, and quality starts to deteriorate. Every time this happens, there are memories that become faded and eventually lost forever. Before this happens, let GraFitz Group Network start preserving you home movies, video tapes, and family memories.
How It Works
A VHS, or Video Home System, tape media has a hard, protective casing around a 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) wide magnetic tape, wound between two spools. This allows it to be slowly passed over playback and recording heads of a VCR, or Video Cassette Recorder. They work by recording the information magnetically onto the magnetic tape, which is coated with tiny particles of iron. As time goes by, the picture, color, and quality of the information stored on the magnetic tape degrades, even when stored under ideal conditions. Eventually, it is completely destroyed.
Our VHS to DVD service will transfer your home movies, video tapes and family memories onto a long lasting DVD. The DVD will contain exactly the same material as the master.
Start converting your loving memories from VHS to DVD today. Just contact GraFitz Group Network and let us save all of your most precious memories. We provide transfers for VHS to DVD, MiniDV to DVD, and Betamax to DVD.